Important guidelines and conditions for our partners

Here you will find the most important documents of PINTSCH GmbH, which support a successful and sustainable cooperation. These guidelines and conditions are binding for all suppliers and partner companies and ensure smooth operations and compliance with our quality and environmental standards. Please read these documents carefully and implement them in your business processes.

General Conditions of Purchase
PINTSCH GmbH conditions of purchase
General Conditions of Purchase
Terms and conditions of purchase for construction and installation services
General conditions of sale
General Conditions of Sale for Deliveries and Services
Shipping / packaging specifications
As a supplier, you help to protect the environment and to provide smooth operations
Brochures and leaflets
Corporate brochure PINTSCH GmbH
Company profile english
Wolber Point Machine
Return Delivery Slip
Press and trade articles
A modular lighting concept opens up new perspectives
(Signal + Draht 12/2022)
Integrating a new level crossing protection technology into the Fast Track Program at DB Netz
(Signal + Draht 12/2022)
Digital shunting interlocking systems for automating operations in shunting and ancillary areas (Part 2)
(Signal + Draht 01+02/2022)
Digital shunting interlocking systems for automating operations in shunting and ancillary areas (Part 1)
(Signal + Draht 12/2021)
Announcement of the new product names
(PINTSCH 2021)
RBUEP level crossing protection systems used by Banedanmark (BDK) in Denmark
(Signal + Draht 1+2/2019)
Traffic flow simulations as a proof of safety
(Signal + Draht 11/2014)
Implementing operational requirements for electronic level crossing systems
(Signal + Draht 06/2014)
Efficient shunting by modern, modular interlocking systems
(Signal + Draht (105) 6/2013)
Change of generations in the gas infrared point heating
(Signal + Draht 12/2009)
Lightning protection for level crossing systems
(Signal + Draht 7+8/2009)
Reduction of investment costs with the new supervision type ÜSoe
(Signal + Draht 10/2007)
Measurement procedures for the development of light technical components in the scope of signalling
(Signal + Draht 05/2007)
First LX systems with supervision type ÜSoe in Germany, an experience report
(Signal + Draht 09/2006)
Maintenance of level crossings with support of remote diagnostic systems
(Signal + Draht 11/2005)
Nationwide Service Centre for Point Heating Systems
(Signal + Draht 05/2005)
Innovative Approach Announcer with Vehicle Sensor PINTSCH FSP
(Signal + Draht 09/2003)
Positive Experiences in Further Development of RBÜT
(Signal + Draht 03/2003)
RBÜT on Regional Lines
(Signal + Draht 07+08/2002)
Planning Level Crossing Protection Technology RBÜT Close to Realization
(Signal + Draht 05/2002)
RBÜT Diagnostic from User’s View Point
(Signal + Draht 07+08/2001)
Optimum Integration of RBÜT and GFR
(Signal + Draht 04/2001)
Switchpoint Heating Systems
(Signal + Draht 12/2000)
Using of RBÜT Technology for NS Railinfrabeheer
(Signal + Draht 07+08/2000)
Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct of the Schaltbau Group
Supplier’s Code of Conduct
Certifications and Proof of prequalification
Zertifizierung Qualitätsmanagement nach DIN ISO 9001
Seit 1993 ist der Standort Dinslaken ohne Unterbrechung nach ISO 9001 zertifiziert.
Quality: Certification DIN EN ISO 9001:2015
Utrecht facility
Rating Q1-supplier of DB AG
Location Dinslaken
Certification DIN EN ISO 14001
The Dinslaken facility has been ISO 14001 certified without interruption since 2009.
Series admission Level Crossing Technology
Certification welding: DIN EN 15085-2 (SLV)
The Dinslaken facility has been certified according to EN 15085-2 without interruption since 2002.
Certification according to DIN ISO 45001 (formerly known as BS OHSAS 18001)
Since 2009, the Dinslaken facility has been certified according to BS OHSAS 18001 and DIN ISO 45001 resp. without interruption.
Certificate for the use of sensors, components in explosion hazard areas (BVS 19 ATEX ZQS/E231-01)
Since 2004, PINTSCH has been ATEX-certified without interruption.
Quality: Certification VCA 2017/6.0
Utrecht facility


PINTSCH corporate film

Multicolour Signal Unit PINLUXON 550

PINTSCH product names

VDB animated film Future of Mobility