Quality and the Environment

The customer is the focus of our thoughts and actions. Our comprehensive quality management system ensures the satisfaction of our customers and thus the long-term success of PINTSCH GmbH.



Certifications Dinslaken facility

Certification DIN EN ISO 14001
The Dinslaken facility has been ISO 14001 certified without interruption since 2009.
We are well aware of our social responsibility for the conservation of natural resources. Compliance with the legal principles is a matter of course for us. In order to guarantee continuous improvement of our operational environmental protection, we constantly check the achievement of our self-imposed goals.
Certification according to DIN ISO 45001 (formerly known as BS OHSAS 18001)
Since 2009, the Dinslaken facility has been certified according to BS OHSAS 18001 and DIN ISO 45001 resp. without interruption.
We are committed to complying with all laws, fulfilling the requirements of the supervisory authorities and improving all processes. Preventive measures to preclude risks in the area of occupational health and safety are an integral part of all the activities of our company.
Rating Q1-supplier of DB AGOur customer, Deutsche Bahn, regularly carries out rigorous inspections of its suppliers, to ensure the suitability and safety of their products. This supplier evaluation by Deutsche Bahn classifies us as a Q1 supplier.
Q1 is the highest rating awarded by DB AG and means that an individual delivery approval is not required for individual deliveries.
Series admission Level Crossing TechnologyOur level crossing technology and components meet the highest safety requirements for the critical intersections in rail traffic and possess the necessary national and international approvals. Their safety and the coordination of rail and road traffic, demand the maximum level of reliability, user-friendliness, optimised diagnostic systems and low life cycle costs [LCC]. All of these criteria are guaranteed by the level crossing technology supplied by PINTSCH GmbH.
Certification welding: DIN EN 15085-2 (SLV)
The Dinslaken facility has been certified according to EN 15085-2 without interruption since 2002.
The objective of this standard is to demonstrate that PINTSCH is capable of meeting the requirements for welding work on rail vehicles and components of certification level CL1 for the field of application "design, purchase, assembly and resale of welded components". Within the framework of this approval, a company audit including a technical interview is carried out by an approved certification body.
Quality: Certification DIN EN ISO 9001:2015
The Dinslaken facility has been ISO 9001 certified without interruption since 1993.
Quality at PINTSCH: Our company operates on the basis of a quality management system that is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001. The QM system is modular and is geared to the requirements of our customers.
PINTSCH GmbH works closely with both customers and suppliers to continuously improve its processes and products.
Certificate for the use of sensors, components in explosion hazard areas (BVS 19 ATEX ZQS/E231-01)
Since 2004, PINTSCH has been ATEX-certified without interruption.
Our equipment and protective systems are certified for use as intended in potentially explosive atmospheres.

Certifications Utrecht facility

Quality: Certification DIN EN ISO 9001:2015
Utrecht facility
Quality at PINTSCH: Our company operates on the basis of a quality management system that is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001. The QM system is modular and is geared to the requirements of our customers.
PINTSCH GmbH works closely with both customers and suppliers to continuously improve its processes and products.
Quality: Certification VCA 2017/6.0
Utrecht facility
Quality at PINTSCH: Our company operates on the basis of a quality management system that is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001. The QM system is modular and is geared to the requirements of our customers.
PINTSCH GmbH works closely with both customers and suppliers to continuously improve its processes and products.

Cooperation with Suppliers

Laws, regulations, interests, human rights, working conditions

PINTSCH GmbH and its subsidiaries adhere strictly to the principles of the general code of conduct of their parent company, Schaltbau Holding AG.

The Supplier Code of Conduct is the basic document in which we set out the minimum requirements we place on our suppliers; they are obliged to procure materials responsibly and in accordance with solid business principles. It is therefore important that our suppliers are familiar with the Code of Conduct and act accordingly. All suppliers of the PINTSCH GmbH Group are obliged to comply with the Code of Conduct for Suppliers. The business relationship may otherwise be terminated. Suppliers are required to ensure that their contractual partners also comply with the provisions of this document.


PINTSCH GmbH as a customer and all its subsidiaries (hereinafter jointly referred to as PINTSCH) undertake to uphold integrity and ethical values in all aspects of their business conduct towards customers, suppliers, employees, competitors and other stakeholders.
"Suppliers" are natural persons or legal entities who supply PINTSCH or provide