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PDFCertification DIN EN ISO 14001
The Dinslaken facility has been ISO 14001 certified without interruption since 2009.
CertificatesGeneral information
PDFCertification according to DIN ISO 45001 (formerly known as BS OHSAS 18001)
Since 2009, the Dinslaken facility has been certified according to BS OHSAS 18001 and DIN ISO 45001 resp. without interruption.
CertificatesGeneral information
PDFRating Q1-supplier of DB AG
Location Dinslaken
CertificatesGeneral information
PDFSeries admission Level Crossing TechnologyCertificatesGeneral information
PDFCertification welding: DIN EN 15085-2 (SLV)
The Dinslaken facility has been certified according to EN 15085-2 without interruption since 2002.
CertificatesGeneral information
PDFQuality: Certification DIN EN ISO 9001
The Dinslaken facility has been ISO 9001 certified without interruption since 1993.
CertificatesGeneral information
PDFQuality: Certification DIN EN ISO 9001:2015
Utrecht facility
CertificatesGeneral information
PDFAxle Counter System S295CertificatesGeneral information
PDFCertificate for the use of sensors, components in explosion hazard areas (BVS 19 ATEX ZQS/E231-01)
Since 2004, PINTSCH has been ATEX-certified without interruption.
CertificatesGeneral information
PDFQuality: Certification VCA 2017/6.0
Utrecht facility
CertificatesGeneral information
PDFBÜ-Akustik acoustic warning system
Product description
Level crossing technologyProduct descriptionDocumentation
PDFPINTSCH diagnosis software for level-crossing control systems
Product description
Level crossing technologyProduct descriptionDocumentation
PDFFSP PINTSCH-type train detection system
Product description
Level crossing technologyProduct descriptionDocumentation
PDFFSP-RS PINTSCH-type wheel sensor
Product description
Level crossing technologyProduct descriptionDocumentation
PDFGMC-E battery charger
Product description
Level crossing technologyProduct descriptionDocumentation
PDFPB inductive ATC control unit
Product description
Level crossing technologyProduct descriptionDocumentation
PDFLightning protection for level-crossing control systems
Product description
Level crossing technologyProduct descriptionDocumentation
PDFET, HET, AT, HAT, RS, UT, ET/AT manual switching equipment
Product description
Level crossing technologyProduct descriptionDocumentation
PDFRBUEP electronic level-crossing control system
Product description
Level crossing technologyProduct descriptionDocumentation
PDFRBÜT electronic level-crossing control system
Product description
Level crossing technologyProduct descriptionDocumentation
PDFFü-RU relay converter
Product description
Level crossing technologyProduct descriptionDocumentation
PDFSPK 6-6 and SPK 10-10 barrier drives
Product description
Level crossing technologyProduct descriptionDocumentation
(LED-ZA) – LED- Additional Indicator

Product description
SignalsProduct descriptionDocumentation
(P145 LED) – Level Crossing Driver Indicator Signal

Product description
SignalsProduct descriptionDocumentation
(SP200 LED) – Level Crossing Road Signal

Product description
SignalsProduct descriptionDocumentation
(MC-LP136 & MC-LP70) – Multicolour signal unit

Product description
SignalsProduct descriptionDocumentation
(TLs02 DB-Ausführung) – Position Light Signal

Product description
SignalsProduct descriptionDocumentation
PDFA modular lighting concept opens up new perspectives
(Signalling + Datacommunication 12/2022) German and English
Press / Technical articlesGeneral information
PDFIntegrating a new level crossing protection technology into the Fast Track Program at DB NETZ
(Signalling + Datacommunication 12/2022) German and English
Press / Technical articlesGeneral information
PDFPresentation of a new geothermal technology for point heating systems
(The Railway engineer, Issue 08/2008)
Press / Technical articlesGeneral information
PDFNationwide service centre for point heating systems
(EURAILmag Issue 16 03/2008)
Press / Technical articlesGeneral information
PDFNationwide service center for point heating systems
(Signal + Draht 05/2005) German and English
Press / Technical articlesGeneral information
PDFWolber Point MachineInterlocking Technology
Shunting Technology
Product descriptionGeneral information
PDFCorporate brochure PINTSCH GmbH
Company profile english
Company brochuresBrochures and product folders
PDFReturn Delivery Slip
FormsGeneral information
PDFGeneral Conditions of Purchase
PINTSCH GmbH conditions of purchase
Business and sales conditionsGeneral information
PDFGeneral Conditions of Purchase
Terms and conditions of purchase for construction and installation services
Business and sales conditionsGeneral information
PDFGeneral conditions of sale
General Conditions of Sale for Deliveries and Services
Business and sales conditionsGeneral information
PDFShipping / packaging specifications
As a supplier, you help to protect the environment and to provide smooth operations
Business and sales conditionsGeneral information
PDFAnnouncement of the new product namesBusiness and sales conditionsGeneral information
PDFCode of Conduct of the Schaltbau GroupCode of ConductGeneral information
PDFSupplier’s Code of ConductCode of ConductGeneral information
LinkVideo Announcement of the new product namesCompanyVideo
LinkVDB Animation film - Future of MobilityCompanyVideo
VideoPintsch corporate video
The company movie gives you an overview of our company and informs about our products and markets.
VideoMC Point of light